Here are two advantages of having security patrol staff on your premises.

Your patrol team can respond immediately to break-ins

Security technology such as cameras and monitored alarms have their uses and are an important part of any well-designed security system. However, this technology doesn't serve as a replacement for an on-site security patrol team.

If, for example, you have security cameras, they could record a break-in, and if you have an alarm system, it will immediately notify the authorities of the breach, but it could take several minutes for help to arrive (or longer, if there happen to be other serious incidents occurring locally at the time of the break-in). The camera footage, whilst useful, won't prevent the intruders from getting away.

Having a security patrol team is the key to not only deterring intruders but also to minimising the harm that results from people trying to break into your commercial property. This is because security patrol members can respond immediately to break-ins.

Upon seeing an intruder, the team members can instantly take multiple actions; they can call the police, and whilst waiting for the authorities, they can chase after the intruder, block the exits and apprehend them or scare them away. As such, their presence could not only reduce the chances of people breaking in but will also mean that these individuals are more likely to be tracked down and less likely to have enough time to steal or cause damage to your premises' contents.

The patrol team can provide descriptions of intruders who run away

As mentioned, when an intruder breaks in, the security patrol team may need to scare that person away instead of catching them (particularly if the person is carrying a weapon which they could try to use if the patrol team tried to apprehend them). However, even if this happens, having security patrol staff is likely to make it easier to find out the identities of the intruders. A patrol team who interact with an intruder can assess aspects of an intruder that security cameras could not and that could enable the authorities to find them faster.

For example, the patrol team could describe the cologne an intruder was wearing or other odours they noticed (such as a smell of cigarette smoke on the intruder's clothes). They could also describe small details about an intruder's appearance that the security cameras could not capture, such as a person's unusual eye colour, a small scar on their face or body or the colour of the polish on their nails. These little details that the patrol team could provide could make the process of tracking down intruders far easier.
